Part of the Family

Getting to Know Your Child

Getting to Know Your Child

As early as September, Year 6 teachers begin discussing the move to secondary schools with pupils. Teachers will also complete a transfer form which indicates your child’s interests, talents and abilities, so that your child will make good progress from their very first day in September. 

We will post Welcome Packs to each new pupil, which need to be completed and returned to our school office. Amongst other forms and useful information, the Welcome Pack contains the ‘Getting to know me’ form, which should be completed by your child. This form is your child’s opportunity to directly tell us about themselves, their friends, interests and hobbies. They can also tell us of any concerns, so that we can begin putting support in place early. 

We will also maintain close communication with Year 6 teachers to discuss how we can best support your child in the transition process. For pupils who require significant additional support, we will contact you and, with the support of your child’s primary school, ensure that we provide personalised arrangements to aid a smooth transition for your child