Part of the Family

How You Can Support Your Child

How You Can Support Your Child

Before your child starts:

  • Time the journey to Woldgate School or the bus-stop
  • Be sure your child understands what time they are expected to be home and what to do if they are late for any reason.
  • Make sure they know and have your contact numbers, including work and mobiles.
  • Buy an alarm clock and make sure your child knows how it works.  Have a test run before the first day at school.
  • Agree with your child what time they will need to get up to get to school on time.  Work backwards from the time they need to be at school.  Include all the things they will need to do.
  • Agree a routine for the mornings and after school.  Will they shower/bath in the morning or the evening?  Will they get their school bag ready the night before or in the morning?  Who will make the packed lunch?
  • Agree a bed-time for school days with your child that will ensure they get enough sleep.
  • Have a couple of practice runs – set your child the challenge of getting up at the correct time and getting ready.
  • Does anything need changing?

Effective and sustained support from parents and carers is vital in helping pupils to succeed at school and achieve their potential:

  • Talk to your child about school regularly to encourage and support them. In particular, talk about their day and what they have learnt. Asking them questions about their learning will help them to develop their understanding.   
  • Ensure your child has somewhere calm and peaceful to do their home learning each evening. Set aside up to one hour each evening during which your child can complete their home learning without distraction. If possible, be on hand to offer advice or talk through problems.   
  • Check that your child has packed their school bag each morning, and that they have all the necessary equipment and books for the day ahead.   
  • Download and check the ClassCharts App regularly. Praise your child when they receive an award.   
  • Read and respond to School letters, attend all Parents’ Evenings, and ensure your child’s attendance is good.  
  • Do contact your child’s Care and Achievement Coordinator if you have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s attendance, wellbeing, or progress at school.