Part of the Family

Reporting your child's absence

Reporting your child's absence


Regular attendance is critical in ensuring pupils make good progress in all their subjects each year.

If your child is ill and unable to attend school, it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to inform the school office by telephone prior to 8:45am on the first day of absence, and any subsequent days. Woldgate School operates a 24 hour answer phone service (01759 302395). Our Attendance Officers work with parents, carers and external agencies to ensure a high level of attendance.

Medical Issues

If your child is ill, please do not send him or her to school. If your child becomes ill during the school day, they should inform their teacher who will ensure that they receive appropriate care and that parents are contacted. Some pupils require medicines to be given during the school day. If possible, please give your child any required medicine before school, after school and at bedtime. If your child does need to take medicine during the school day, please inform the school office and hand in any medicine to the School Reception for safekeeping.

NHS Guidance: Is My Child Well Enough to Attend School?