Part of the Family

Be a part of our journey

Be a part of our journey
Our school community includes parents and carers alongside our pupils, students and staff.  As such, we welcome any support parents and carers are able to give us to ensure our pupils and students receive the widest range of opportunities, and the very best education.

This page provides information about the different ways parents and carers can get involved in school life.  Please use the contact us form if you are interested in supporting the school, or have any questions.

Governors are often described as being critical friends of the School. They represent the local community on the governing body and represent the School within the local community.
School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. Our Governors bring their own specialist knowledge and experience to help our school thrive.  Governors frequently visit the school to speak with pupils, students, staff and senior leaders, and participate in regular governor meetings.
More information about our Governors can be found on the School Governance page.
Parent Working Parties
Our Parent Working Parties are strategic working groups, led by senior school staff, who work together to plan the future strategic direction of our school for all pupils and students in three distinct and important areas:
  • Pupil and student development
  • Operations and Communication
  • Special Educational Needs, including support for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs.
Each strategic working group consists of two members of senior school staff and up to five parents or carers of current pupils and students.  Each working group meets approximately three times during the academic year in the autumn, spring and summer terms.  Working parties agree the meeting dates and times between members and it is intended that these meetings take place in school after school hours.
The working groups are strategic and work towards priorities for whole school development, for all pupils and students.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding your own child, please contact your child’s Care & Achievement Coordinator in the first instance.
Other opportunities to get involved
We welcome parent and carer volunteers in school to support with specific planned events.  In addition, we welcome support from parents and carers with specific knowledge, experience and training to support us in providing our pupils with the best possible educational experience.
Some examples of other ways to get involved each year include:
  • Friends of Woldgate School – we would be delighted for a group of parents to form a full fundraising committee for the school to help raise money towards enriching the learning of our pupils.
  • 50/50 Club – this club was originally started by the Friends of Woldgate School to raise money for items such as books, software and equipment. For £2 per month members are entered into a prize draw where 50% of the prize money is distributed in prize money and 50% used to benefit the school. If you would like to become a member, please contact
  • Year 11 Interviews (March) Local Employers & Businesses – Each year we arrange for our Year 11 pupils to have a mock job interview with local employers and businesses.  At the end of the interview, our pupils receive constructive feedback on all aspects of their interview, including how to approach certain questions and how to phrase their answers.  This gives our pupils essential experience into what makes a great interview and ensures that our pupils are well prepared for job, college and university interviews in the future.  If you are a local employer or have experience in interviews and would like to be involved, please do get in touch.
We will make parents and carers aware of other opportunities to support as they become available. It is important to note that all governor and regular volunteer posts require the school to apply for a Disclosure and Disbarring Service (DBS) check for you.
Useful Links & Documents